Katholische Kirche bemüht sich um Waffenstillstand

The dialogue mediated by the Catholic Church took place on the premises of the church in the capital, Yaoundé. The leader of the independence movement in Ambazonia included Julius Sisiku Ayuk Tabé, who was released from prison for an extra short period of time. The round of talks took place under the eyes and mediation of the Archbishop of Bamenda, Andrew Nkea Fuanya. The Anglophone regions in the north and south-west of the bilingual country have been complaining of discrimination and disregard by the French-speaking majority for years.

Mehr siehe https://www.domradio.de/themen/weltkirche/2020-07-25/erzbischof-fuanya-soll-helfen-kirche-vermittelt-zwischen-konfliktparteien-kamerun
